Image: Toro - Documentary / Courtesy: Proimagenes Colombia.

Toro, the documentary on the cinema

A disturbing film that recovers part of the inhospitable photographic record of a talented prisoner, portraying his deep gaze from his cell.

Like a puzzle that pieces together around a story, the perspective of memorable moments in jail was captured through a camera lens.

Under the focus of Hernando Toro Botero, shocking images were captured, of which, after he was released, some were disrupted or lost.

However, his artistic gaze was revived, after an emergent reunion revealed in this film, where several rescued negatives are reborn like phoenixes to show masterful photographs that shine so as not to be forgotten.

Such is this interesting documentary directed by Adriana Bernal-Mor and Ginna Ortega, which is in movie theaters.


Photo: Hernando Toro / Courtesy: Proimagenes Colombia.



“While imprisoned for drug trafficking in Barcelona, Hernando Toro began his career as a photographer.

For more than a decade, from a cell that he turned into a professional studio, he took thousands of portraits of those, like him, who lived behind bars.

Despite the wealth of his work, much of Toro’s file was forgotten once he was released.

This documentary recovers his negatives and explores not only his journey, but part of the unpublished archive.

What began as a question about the past has become an observation of the last years of this magnificent artist’s life”.


Image: Toro Poster / Courtesy: Proimagenes Colombia.


International Awards 

– Kine Award, First Cut Category, Santiago International Documentary Festival, 2020.

– Good Luck Award, First Cut Category, Santiago International Documentary Festival, 2020.


Film Beneficiary of the Fund for Cinematographic Development – FDC 

– Fund for Cinematographic Development (FDC), 2020. Documentary post-production.


Participation in Festivals

– Official Selection, 61 Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival 2022 – World Premiere.

– Official Selection, 8 Las Alturas International Film Festival – Three awards, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, FELINA National and International Film Festival- Jury Award- Best International Feature Film.

– Official Selection, 14 Cali International Film Festival, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, 19th Pacific Meridian International Film Festival of Asia Pacific Countries in Vladivostok, Russia

– Official Selection, International Documentary Film Festival – Atlantidoc, Uruguay, 2022.

– Official Selection, Montes de María Film Festival, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, Manizales International Film Fair, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, Bogotá Film Festival – Bogocine, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, 23 Antioquia Film Festival, Colombia, 2022.

– Official Selection, Orchid International Queer Film Festival ROSARITO, 2022.

– Scholarship for documentary short film production, District Institute of the Arts – IDARTES, Colombia, 2018.

– Pitching Forum, International Audiovisual Market – Mia Market, Italy, 2018.

– Scholarship for the creation of music for feature films, District Institute of the Arts – IDARTES, 2022.

– Work in Progress, Villa de Leyva International Film Festival, Colombia, 2020.

– Work in Progress, Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival – FICCI, Colombia, 2020.

– Market, DocMontevideo, Uruguay, 2020.

– Market, Florianopolis Audiovisual Mercosul, Brazil, 2020.

– IV Documentary Salon of Medellin, Colombia, 2020.


For more information, visit


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
