Rigo, a story that touches intense emotions

The shocking production about the life of the renowned cyclist Rigoberto Uran moves with its deep reflections.

Courage and improvement frame the different moments of the series broadcast on Amazon Prime Video and the RCN Channel from Monday to Friday at 8 p.m.

Each episode pulses with moments of struggle, shock, strength, joy and sadness, to represent Rigo’s different experiences.

One of the hardest and most painful stages that changed his destiny as a sportsman was the murder of his father, Mr. Rigoberto Uran.

The scene starring the actor, Robinson Diaz, narrates his death at the hands of a paramilitary group.

This situation leaves in Rigo’s memory a father who was his great ally as an essential support and fundamental pillar in becoming an acclaimed world-class cyclist.

Don’t miss this series loaded with inspiring or reflective messages and vibrant emotions.


Interview Robison Diaz about the crude scene

The recording of this painful scene was made in the mountains of Colombia to show in a very real way what the cyclist Rigoberto Uran experienced.

A difficult event that reflects what has been experienced by many Colombians who have been victims of violence in the country.

In this regard, Robinson Diaz adds: “we killed each other many years ago as brothers…

…between soldiers and police, etc. For as long as I can remember there has been war, so we hope this serves to say no more!”


Behind the scene


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.

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