Photo: Salts and condiments / Courtesy: El Universal MX.

Reduce salt to take care of your health

A healthier life, with more energy, and less risk of contracting diseases, are part of the benefits of its low consumption.

Around 2.5 million deaths around the world could be avoided, if salt consumption were reduced. The ‘World Health Organization’ recommends a value of less than 5 grams daily.

Currently, people consume between 9 to 12 grams, almost double the suggested intake, this situation leads to developing possible health problems.

These include diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes and myocardial infarctions, which can occur at any age.

Salt contains sodium, and although it is a necessary nutrient for plasma volume, acid-base balance, the transmission of nerve impulses and the normal functioning of cells; in high concentrations it can generate multiple risks for the body.

For this reason, the WHO aims to reduce the world’s salt consumption 30% by 2025, in order to improve the health situation in the population and prevent possible diseases.


Some recommendations from the WHO

-Consume less than 5 grams of salt per day.

-Eat only iodized salt, for general well-being and brain functions. It is essential for the healthy development of the fetus’ brain and the young child.

-Do not add excess salt during food preparation.

-Do not put salt shakers on the table.

-Choose low-sodium or low-sodium products.

-Sea or refined salt, regardless of its origin, has a sodium concentration, so it is necessary to control its quantity to the recommended average.

-Salt is present in both prepared and processed foods. It is important to check its concentration, so as not to add additional values.

-Reducing the amount of salt does not take away flavor from food. Taste buds get used to its reduction in order to taste food.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.

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