Image: Poster 'No estás solo: Canción para los enfermos' / Courtesy: P.E. Press & Entertainment.

No Estas Solo – Cancion para los enfermos an inspired song

A message of hope delivered by Carlos Vives and Ruben Blades in their first collaboration and they join the fight against the pandemic.

The two renowned artists present a song of struggle and strength, so as not to give up in the face of life’s trials.

With patience, encouragement and the conviction of not being alone, their lyrics invite you to keep the faith.

Their purpose is to reflect and say “we will win this battle against the virus; we have to support each other and work together, that this will pass”.

The song emerged approximately 7 months ago in New York with an interesting fusion of salsa and vallenato, and was recently launched during the ‘Panama Solidario’ campaign.

In this regard, Ruben Blades stated “Carlos kindly invited me to be part of his album, in September 2019.

He had a song and I was his guest on it. But I presented the idea of the lyrics for the song to the sick and he accepted. It was recorded before the emergency we experienced”.

For his part, Carlos Vives commented “I feel very honored to be able to work with the master Ruben Blades and to do my bit to contribute to the cause of support for the vulnerable population.”

The income raised by the song will be donated during the pandemic, to two noble causes.

For the ‘Anoland Diaz Foundation’ in Panama, which helps vulnerable populations; and for the ‘Tras La Perla’ initiative, which meets basic needs in the Santa Marta’s Pescaito’s Colombia’s neighborhood.

’No estas solo – cancion para los enfermos’ it says “el malestar no es eterno y menos si se comparte. Y aunque interminable parezca la noche, al final se irá con la luz del día…” and translates “discomfort is not eternal and even less if it is shared. And although the night seems endless, in the end it will leave with the light of day…”.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
