Photo: Water waves / Courtesy David Cañaveral.

Memorable dates from May 15 to 31

Abolition of slavery in Colombia, world internet day, tree day and women’s health are some of the commemorations.

May 15th

Teacher’s Day is celebrated in Colombia, in tribute to those who practice education and teaching.

May 16th

1991: the Chilean Television Network begins broadcasts.

May 17th

World Internet Day.

May 18th

1897: the novel ‘Dracula’, by Irishman Bram Stoker is published.

May 19th

World Tree Day.

May 20th

1875: creation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris.

1990: first photograph of space taken by the Hubbe Space Telescope.

May 21st

1851: slavery is legally abolished in Colombia.

2001-2002: UNESCO declares May 21st  as World Day for Cultural Diversity and the National Day of Afro-Colombianity.

May 23rd

1986: the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa receives the Prince of Asturias Award for Letters.

May 24th

1844: Samuel Morse issues first telegraphic message.

May 25th

1983: release of the film Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

May 28th

1987: International day for women’s comprehensive health.

May 29th

1265: birth of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri.

May 30th

1922: inauguration of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, United States.

1925: Engineer Dick Drew patents adhesive tape.

May 31st

1987: The states integrated into the World Health Organization (WHO) established May 31st as World No Tobacco Day.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.

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