Image: Time Travel / Courtesy: ABC.

Meet the memorable dates from February 16 to 28

Some of the outstanding historical events that occurred during the second half of this month, which have marked the world.

February 17th

1894: premiere of Swan Lake, a ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

February 18th

1929: The first Academy Awards are announced.

1963: Julio Cortazar publishes Hopscotch.

1979: opening of the Berlin Film Festival.

1953: premiere of Bwana Devil, the first 3D film.

February 19th

1878: Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph.

February 20th

1872: opening of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

February 21st

1907: premiere of the opera Romeo and Juliet, by Frederick Delius in Berlin.

February 22nd

1632: Galileo Galilei publishes his Dialogue Concerning the Two Principal World Systems.

February 23rd

1455: Johannes Gutenberg prints the first Bible.

February 24th

1909: Color cinema is first introduced to the public in Brighton, England.

February 25th

1935: Louis Lumiere presents a film sequence in relief.

1925: Columbia Records makes the first electric music recording.

February 26th

1936: The low-cost vehicle the Volkswagen Beetle is created in Germany.

February 27th

1996: Pokemon Red and Blue goes on sale in Japan.

February 28th

1953: James Watson and Francis Crick determine the chemical structure of DNA.

1983: the compact disc (CD) is launched on the market.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
