Photo: Hourglass / Courtesy: "Exito y Superación Personal".

Historical events that occurred from March 15 to 30

Fictional characters, new media, inventions and works are part of the events that occurred in the second half of March.

March 16th

1734: La Gaceta, the first newspaper in Mexico, is published.

March 17th

1997: the CNN channel in Spanish is inaugurated in the United States.

March 18th

1965 – Alexei Leonov, Russian astronaut, is the first man to walk in space.

March 19th

1882: the first stone of the Sagrada Familia temple, an architectural work by Gaudi, is laid in Barcelona.

March 20th

1956: Tunisia becomes independent from France.

March 21st

1935: Persia changes its name to Iran.

1964: Civil rights march led by Martin Luther King begins.

March 22nd

1733: Joseph Priestly invents carbonated water.

1963: The Beatles release Please Please Me, their first album.

March 24th

1929: National Day of the Announcer in Colombia.

March 25th

1825: Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is performed in London for the first time.

March 26th

World Climate Day, established by UNESCO.

March 27th

World Theater Day established by Unesco.

March 29th

1989: The Louvre Pyramid is inaugurated in Paris as a new entrance to the museum, where several of the most important paintings in the world are preserved.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
