Image: Aunt Alison / Courtesy: RCN Channel.

Aunt Alison loves the nights of the RCN Channel

The disturbing production begins loaded with mixed emotions and feelings where everything suddenly changes in life.

A young woman after obtaining a visa and traveling to the United States faces the difficult loss of a family member.

Faced with this harsh situation, she must return to her country, without imagining that everything in her life takes an unexpected turn.

Upon arrival, she must decide whether to continue her American dream or assume the role of mother to her newly orphaned three nephews.

Thus begins this haunting story. This is not to be missed Monday through Friday at 9:30 p.m. on RCN Channel or through the Vix platform, a streaming service by TelevisaUnivision.

Because as the popular adage says “to who God does not give children, the devil gives nephews”…



Starring Juliette Pardau and Rodrigo Candamil, along with Brian Moreno, Manuela Gonzalez, Tuto Patiño, Humberto Dorado, Margalida Castro.

Paola Moreno, Laura Junco, Maria Jose Vargas, Sebastian Moya, Andrea Esquivel, Camila Durán, Carlos Hurtado, Luciana Garnica, Julian Zuluaga and Angie Michell Orozco.


Tints of story

“Alison must go from being the cool aunt to become “the mom” who must correct, guide, educate and set limits, this triggers her conflicts and situations with her nephews.

All this while she faces economic problems, social prejudices, legal problems, child and adolescent conflicts, and friendship and love dilemmas.



“When Alison Parraga, a beautiful and irreverent woman from the Galan neighborhood of Bogota, is fulfilling her dream of working as a tattoo artist in Los Angeles, United States, her sister Olga dies in a traffic accident.

She is forced to return to Colombia to take care of her nephews Washington, Dakota and Louisiana.

Raising two troubled teenagers and a little girl out of place in a world where intolerance, dishonesty and lack of loyalty are commonplace, is not an easy task, much less without a penny in your pocket.

However, Alison is not alone on this hard road.

On the one hand, she has Agatha, her unconditional friend, and on the other, Gustavo Orjuela, the official designated by the Institute to verify the custody process, whom she will discover the true meaning of the word love. 



*Original Idea: Hector Moncada.

*Scripts: Hector Moncada, Laura Bolaño, Gerardo Pinzon and Juan Andres Granados.

*Directed by: Victor Cantillo and Israel Sanchez

*Production: RCN Studios

*Executive Production: Andres Santamaría

*Format: Series

*Genre: Dramedy.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
