Photo: Adriana Bottina - Pal' Carajo / Courtesy: Jaque Agency.

Adriana Bottina premieres her new song Pal’Carajo

The multifaceted artist and one of the pioneers of the popular genre in Colombia arrives with a song to sing aloud.

A sincere, deep and daily letter frames feelings on the surface of the skin that are released with their heads held high to overcome heartbreak.

This is the new composition by Adriana Bottina who, with her charisma and versatile voice, gives the single an alternative and emotional touch.

In this regard, the artist comments:

“This single is the appetizer of many songs that I have been working with different producers…

Seeking to give the public an experience in each release and that they live with me, the different moments of their life”.

The theme was produced by Georgy Parra and the video clip was made under the production of Gio Barreto and the Audio Enlace team.

A song that shows nature and feminine power to fight with determination in order to be happy.


About Adriana Bottina

“She is a versatile artist who started her passion since she was little, and thanks to the endorsement of Don Darío, she became known in popular music, becoming the pioneering woman of the musical genre in Colombia.

Her songs represent the feminine force, managing to move the fibers of her audience with themes of deep love, betrayal and spite.

With her elegant and forward-thinking style, she is a benchmark after managing to transcend borders through radio and television with her talent and charisma.

Now, ‘Pal Carajo’ is an appetizer of her new songs that will soon see the light of day in the Colombian popular genre”.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.
