Revista PrimeTime is a digital mass media specialized in entertainment, culture and varieties. It was created in Bogota, Colombia between 2017 – 2018 and went on air in February 2019. It was officially founded in August of the same year by Jackeline Gonzalez L.
It currently operates remotely from the Coffee Region, located in Manizales, Caldas, in the country of origin.
Its style is creative and alternative. Its periodicity is weekly and monthly. Its diffusion is of worldwide open access with information from Ibero America and the United States.
It recently has more than 1000 covers about the industry, and has outstanding publications by national and international artists.
It mainly involves topics on film, television, events, streaming, music, art and curiosities, as well as photography, science and technology, history, chronicles, initiatives, places and adventures, sports, health and well-being.