Photo: Carlos Hugo Jimenez - Director - Courtesy: Diving and Swimming School "Los Corales".

The aquatic charm for swimming and diving

Recreational, rescue or sports activities can be carried out above or below water with basic, intermediate or advanced practices.

Supporting oneself and moving forward with arms, legs and body movements that propel the water with power and speed constitute the initial basis for discovering vibrant possibilities.

In this way, a person moves without touching the ground with skills that require learning and applied practices.

This is feasible because the human body is less dense in water and tends to float.

Each person can develop skills and improve them with perseverance, commitment and discipline. These are starting points for training the body and mind in their evolution.

In this sense, swimming and diving are activities that are forged from the depths of the aquatic environment for an emerging habit, competence or passion.


Photo: Aquatic initiation / Courtesy: Pexels / Kindel Media.


Start or process

In this regard, Carlos Hugo Jimenez, “Los Corales Diving & Swimming School” director, which has been in operation for more than 17 years and is located in the Belen neighborhood – Manizales, Caldas, Colombia, tells us:

Why learn to swim, what are some benefits and what requirements are needed to start more demanding practices such as Apnea and Diving.


 “Los Corales” Diving & Swimming School

The expert trainer and certified professional diver tells us about the training process of his teaching team.

The team approach adopts “smaller, more personalized groups by not having more than 6 people in swimming classes and no more than 3 in apnea and diving”, this makes a difference in the academic style.

In addition, he provides us with information about the school’s educational offerings and the products it sells in the store.

More information on Facebook and Instagram @loscoralesbuceo


Photo: Swimming / Courtesy: La Marca.


Brief Swimming details

In swimming there are different styles, among them, 4 main ones: crawl or freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke or dorsal.

Its practices require simple implements such as a suitable bathing suit, a good cap, goggles and, if necessary, some accessories for its technique or execution.

Some characteristic items are a snorkel, rubber fins, swimming paddles and a pull buoy.

Generally, its activity can be carried out in large pools, aquatic spaces, in the sea and recreational or Olympic pools.

The latter can have lengths of 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500 meters with variable depth.

To practice swimming in the sea, an intermediate level that ascends to advanced is necessary.

You can use a cap or goggles according to preference, a suit according to the water temperature and a mandatory buoy that is attached to the waist to carry important items.


Photo: Carlos Hugo Jimenez / Courtesy: “Los Corales” Diving & Swimming School.


Brief Diving details

It can be practiced by submerging or diving in deep waters, either in pools, deep aquatic spaces or in the sea.

Some of its modalities include Free Diving or Apnea and Scuba Diving, which combines regulatory and/or breathing apparatus to supply air to the diver.

To practice Apnea, you need a suit, fins, a mask, a snorkel, ballast, a floatation buoy to support you, and accompanying people for the practice.

For Diving, the same is required, plus a tank, vest, regulator, and additional equipment needed for daytime or nighttime activity.


Some healthy benefits

It allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular system, exercise the body’s muscles, improve lung, respiratory, and neuronal capacity, concentration, and memory.

At the same time, it helps increase flexibility, agility, balance, burn fat, and constitute a practice that enhances your mood, among others.

In this sense, floating, breathing, propelling yourself through rhythmic, repetitive, and coordinated movements to be on the surface or overcome water pressure entails great challenges.

Swimming and diving combine continuous routines and purposes for those who wish to start, continue or professionalize these exciting aquatic practices, which bring multiple benefits for health and well-being.


Article by:

Jackeline Gonzalez L.

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